
Showing posts from July, 2018

36. Why Are Things Funny

Adrian and Austin seek to find out why things are funny, and why we like funny things. We discuss stories and events that have made us laugh and pick apart what it is about those things that is funny. Finally, we ask if it is good to like funny things?

35. Twenty One Pilots and Narritive

What is the Dema? In this episode Adrian and Austin (mainly Adrian) pretend to have enough information about the secrets behind Twenty One Pilots' upcoming album Trench to talk about it. In reality, we look at the way in which the story is being told and discuss the idea of the crowd sourced narrative. We try to determine if it's a good way of telling stories and if Twenty One Pilots have now trapped themselves in a different box.

34. The Beautiful Game

In contrast to a previous episode where Adrian and Austin looked at whether or not America cares too much about sports, this time we discuss whether America doesn't care enough about the World Cup. We talk about what the World Cup brings to the global stage and how that effects politics. Finally, as we look towards the 2026 World Cup being held in North America we determine if the USA needs to care more about the World Cup.

33. Influences for Better or for Worse

In this episode Adrian and Austin reflect on other people and content creators who have influenced this podcast. First we look at Socrates and discuss how podcasts reflect his dialogue format of discussion and teaching. From there we look at some of our favorite duos; Mythbuster's Adam and Jamie, Good Mythical Morning's Rhett and Link, and the Vlogbrothers Hank and John Green. Finally, we discuss the balance of how much we should be influenced and when it goes too far.